
Top cosmetic companies give in to greed and resume cruel animal testing, blame China

Sarka-Jonae Miller (2012) argues that it is all about the money and greed by firms and that is why they have practically discarded their policies against animal testing. After a long period of being cruelty free, some of the biggest cosmetics companies such as L’Oreal have resumed testing on animals with the excuse that the Chinese governments wants them to test on products sold in China. The author argues that there are already thousands of ingredients that have been proven safe for use in personal care products but firms due to greed are looking for ways to manipulate consumers so as to expand to other markets.


Miller, S. (2012) ‘Top cosmetic companies give in to greed and resume cruel animal testing, blame China’, Natural News, 27 February, Available at: http://www.naturalnews.com/035078_cosmetic_companies_animal_testing_cruelty.html (Accessed: 5 January, 2014)

