Peter Salisbury (2011) wrote that in 2009, L’Oreal published a report on
its sustainable practices, which repeated the claim that it does not test
finished products on animals. In this report, L’Oreal said that it has not used
animals to test its finished products since 1989, except in the case where national
legislation requires it. This is the case in certain countries where L’Oreal
operates and in those locations regulations require testing using animals
before substances can be registered for commercial use. As L’Oreal operates on
an international scale, it is obliged to comply with the current national
legislation for products that are manufactured locally and sold locally. L’Oréal
do face a tough set of choices; either innovate in order to maintain their
market share, or use existing ingredients and allow less ethical competitors to
launch new products, or continue developing within the limits of regional