
Food giants caught in animal testing scandal

Rabbits, piglets and mice are being killed when heavily pregnant, injected with deadly bacteria and bled to death by food firms testing fashionable superfoods, it has emerged. The experiments involve food giants including KitKat maker Nestle, Unilever - the owners of PG tips - Knorr, Hellmann’s and Yakult, the maker of probiotic drinks. Companies like Unilever, Nestle, Yakult and Danone have allegedly been involved in 'sickening' tests on animals. A spokesman for Nestle said that Nestlé does not use animal testing to develop conventional foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, cereal and chocolate. Unilever also said it does not test tea or tea-based products on animals.  If tests are required by law for safety reasons, they are kept to a minimum and carried out by third parties. (Daily mail, 2013)

Macrae, F. and Rowe, N. (2013) ‘Food giants caught in animal testing scandal’, Daily mail, 21 June, Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2345276/Food-giants-Nestle-Unilever-caught-animal-testing-scandal.html (Accessed: 19 February, 2014)

